Contract management
„Organisation ist nicht alles, aber ohne Organisation ist alles nichts“
Deswegen unterstützen wir Sie von Anfang an bei der Organisation und Einführung einer zentralen digitalen Vertragsverwaltung in Ihrem Unternehmen zu folgenden Themen bzw. organisatorischen Vorgaben.
DOCM Contract Structuring
The contractual framework is structured in individual, framework and consortium or project contracts. Individual contracts are concluded for a specific contract object; they can be concluded for a limited or unlimited period. An outline agreement is a scheduling agreement that defines the terms of delivery between the supplier and the customer. Consortium or project contracts are concluded for the realization of larger projects, usually construction or infrastructure measures.
Which companies / organisations are involved in your company?
With a DOCM organization overview, you can easily get a quick overview. You can also create a company overview according to other criteria such as country locations, etc.
Do you have an overview of the revenue with your suppliers?
Do you need a quick overview of the current turnover with your suppliers? On the basis of a contract value evaluation / analysis over the specified contract period of the recorded individual contracts, the SharePoint solution DOCM allows you to provide this information at any time without large evaluations with a mouse click.
Why invest money in a contract management system?
According to the Gartner Group, 60% of all supplier contracts automatically renew without the buyer's knowledge, mainly because the buyer fails to terminate the contract. Even more astonishing is the fact that 50% of the contracts are renewed several times without the buyer's knowledge (Forbes, Gardner group).
Managing contracts online in SharePoint - DOCM the solution
Contract management refers to all activities that deal with the development / design, administration, adaptation, processing and updating of all contracts of a company. The DOCM SharePoint solution supports the user in the activities and tasks defined above.
What is your benefit when using DOCM?
A centralization of the object and contract management with the archiving of all contract information in a relational database is crucial for the compliance with legal obligations, both for you and for other parties and thus represents the database / basis for your compliance process.
What business risks arise in the absence of a contract management system?
Contract risks are only risks if they have not been evaluated and made manageable by an action plan to be taken. However, if this risk assessment is only a one-off process, i.e. these risks do not remain in focus through regular audits, then you cannot benefit from your previous assessment.
What are the requirements for a modern contract management system?
A modern contract management should guarantee a centralization of all company contracts for all relevant groups with regard to the completeness of the information and its evaluation. It should guarantee the confidentiality of the information related to the company parts / departments.
What are the benefits of using an enterprise-wide digital contract management solution for each user group?
Every company department (purchasing, controlling and legal department, etc.) needs a different view of the data of a contract and its evaluation.