DOCM means Digital Object & Contract Management.
DOCM is a customizable for several clients, process-controlled software solution for creating, editing, monitoring and evaluating contracts.


Centralization of object and contract management with all contract-relevant digitalized information in a relational database creates the necessary transparency, enables compliance with legal obligations and thus forms the basis for your compliance processes.


Corporate contract management 
Every company department needs a different view of the data in a contract. A communication and collaboration platform can provide these different views of a contract management system centrally.

By subdividing the contract costs into "fixed costs" and "imputed costs" and "one-off costs", different payment models of the contracts, such as maintenance and purchase contracts, can be mapped.
If you need a complete overview of the business data (costs and revenues) based on your customer and supplier relationships at a glance, you can achieve this with a mouse click. The following interactive graph enables you to quickly determine your current contractual fixed business relationships based on the contract values of the active contracts.
Contract risks are only risks if they have not been evaluated and made manageable by an action plan to be taken. However, if this risk assessment is only a one-off process, i.e. these risks do not remain in focus through regular audits, then you cannot benefit from your previous assessment.
The contractual framework is structured in individual, framework and consortium or project contracts. Individual contracts are concluded for a specific contract object; they can be concluded for a limited or unlimited period. An outline agreement is a scheduling agreement that defines the terms of delivery between the supplier and the customer. Consortium or project contracts are concluded for the realization of larger projects, usually construction or infrastructure measures.
Individual contracts either stand alone or are created in the context of an existing outline agreement and assigned to the outline agreement. A comprehensive classification is available for entering individual contracts. .
Contract management refers to all activities that deal with the development / design, administration, adaptation, processing and updating of all contracts of a company. The DOCM SharePoint solution supports the user in the activities and tasks defined above.